Marketplace Seller API Overview

This page gives a high-level overview of how the different pieces of the Marketplace Seller API work and fit together.

Different domains

With the Marketplace Seller API you can manage 4 important domains: product data, inventory, sales (orders, invoices and returns) and tickets. Besides there are reports and push notifications.

  • The product data describes the products that are for sale. For example, the title, description, and brand of a product are all a part of the product data.
  • The inventory data describes the inventory of a particular seller. On the Kaufland marketplace, we call inventory data for a single product a unit or sometimes an offer. This includes information like whether the product is new or used, and how much it costs. Inventory data for individual products can be submitted to the Kaufland marketplace via the REST API or via the CSV file interface.
  • The sales data includes information about customer orders, you are able to upload invoices for orders and manage the returns.
  • The ticket data gives you the possibility to answer customer requests.

Listing your Products

In order to list your products, the Kaufland marketplace first needs sufficient product data for the products, then it needs your particular inventory data. You can choose if you want to manage product data via CSV file or API endpoint (for large number of products CSV file is recommended). For file management you have to upload a CSV file to a publicly accessible URL and tell the Kaufland marketplace the location of the file through the /import-files/ REST API endpoint. The file will be downloaded and processed asynchronously after you send the file's URL, usually within a few minutes. You can check the status of your import file with the /import-files/ REST API endpoint. Once the asynchronous import of your product data file is done (i.e. product_feed_async_done == 1, you can then send your inventory for those products. Details about product data files are available on the Managing Product Data page.

When updating your inventory data, you have two options. If you need to update the inventory of a few products quickly, you can update each item individually with separate requests to the /units/ REST API endpoint, as shown on the Getting Started page. If you have many items to update, it is more efficient to update them all in a batch by sending a single CSV file to the Kaufland marketplace. Again, as with the product data files, inventory files cannot be uploaded directly to the Kaufland marketplace, you must tell the Kaufland marketplace the location of the file through the /import-files/ REST API endpoint, from which it will be downloaded and processed asynchronously. Details about inventory files are available on the Managing Inventory page.

Managing your Sales

Information about your products that have sold is available through the REST API. In particular, the products you have sold are available as Orders. Also important in order to reduce customer questions is to upload Invoices.

Managing your Tickets

Read more about tickets on the Tickets page.

Keep the system updated

An important part when working on the Kaufland marketplace is keeping all data up to date in order to prevent overselling or wrong prices and to enable ship faster to the customer. To be informed about all changes push notifications can be set up. To understand how push notifications work, please read the Push Notifications page. Also, summary reports about your inventory and sales are available at the various /reports/ endpoints.