Release notes

This page describes the changes made to API version 2. If you are interested in changes between API V1 and V2 please look into our Changelog.

2024-06-18 2.15.0
  • A new API endpoint that provides a URL to download a CSV file containing the complete list of shared set values associated with a given attribute ID.
    The new endpoint is available at GET /attributes/{id_attribute}/shared-set-values

    New response:
    • Code: HTTP 200 OK
    • {
          "data": ""
2024-06-13 2.14.2
  • Unit end points have a new vat_indicator field corresponding to a storefront dependant VAT indicator of the unit.
    GET /units
    POST /units
    GET /units/{id_unit}
    PATCH /units/{id_unit}
    POST /units/bulk
  • Order unit retrieval end points have a vat field providing the VAT rate.
    GET /order-units
    GET /order-units/{id_order_unit}
  • New end point GET /info/vat-indicators is introduced to retrieve VAT indicator mappings for storefronts.
2024-04-12 2.14.1
  • Properly map 423 Locked HTTP error on POST /product-data/import-files endpoint. It is returned when the daily quota is exceeded.
    POST /product-data/import-files
      • New response:
        • Code: HTTP 423
        • { "message": "Daily quota of 30 feeds has been exceeded", "errors": [] }
      • Previous response:
        • Code: HTTP 500
        • { "errors": [], "message": "Internal Server Error" }
2024-04-08 2.14.0
  • The new Polish (PL) and Austrian (AT) storefronts and locales are officially available in the Seller API
2023-12-18 2.13.1
  • Added the option "delivery" to the optional embedded parameter in the following endpoint
    GET /orders/{id_order}
2023-12-06 2.13.0
  • A new units update endpoint, this bulk units update allows you to change multiple offers within the same request.
  • The new endpoints is available through the url
  • - A guide to using the endpoints can be found in the Manage Inventory page.
2023-11-30 2.12.2
  • A new filter on cancellations report is introduced. The filter allows to generate a report that focuses on seller related cancellations. Changes are 100% backwards compatible.

  • The new filter is available at POST
    (cancellation_type=seller_related is an optional query parameter)

    • - No fields were added or removed from report
    • - Setting the filter to seller_related considers only cancellations within the group of seller related cancellations reasons
    • - Not setting the filter or setting it to all results in the usual report containing all cancellations
    • - No changes in the responses
2023-07-28 2.12.1
  • Properly map error messages on product-data endpoints.
    GET /product-data/{ean}
    DELETE /product-data/{ean}
    PUT /product-data
    PATCH /product-data
      • New response:
        • Code: HTTP 400
        • { "message": "Invalid EAN provided", "errors": [] }
      • Previous response:
        • Code: HTTP 400
        • { "errors": [] }
2023-07-12 2.12.0
  • A new endpoint for fetching shared set was introduced.
    • The new endpoint is available at GET /attributes/{id_attribute}/shared-set
2023-07-03 2.11.0
  • Trying to send/fulfil cancelled OrderUnits will return better response
    PATCH /order-units/{id_order_unit}/send
    PATCH /order-units/{id_order_unit}/fulfil
      • New response:
        • Code: HTTP 400
        • Message: Validation Failed OrderUnit is already in status cancelled
      • Previous response:
        • Code: HTTP 404
        • Message: Resource Not Found
2023-06-20 2.10.3
  • A new version (v2) of bookings report is introduced.
    • The new version is available at POST /reports/bookings-new?version=v2 (version=v2 is an optional query parameter)
      • fields added: id_order_unit
      • fields removed: sum_price_gross, payout, ean, id_item, title_item, offer_id, unit_condition, delivery_time_min, delivery_time_max, note, unit_sent_timestamp, delivery_time_expires, buyer_id_buyer, buyer_email, pseudonym, shipping_first_name, shipping_last_name, shipping_gender, shipping_company_name, shipping_street, shipping_house_number, shipping_additional_field, shipping_postcode, shipping_city, shipping_country, shipping_phone, billing_first_name, billing_last_name, billing_gender, billing_company_name, billing_street, billing_house_number, billing_additional_field, billing_postcode, billing_city, billing_country, billing_phone, id_delivery_address, id_invoice_address, booking_value, is_marketplace_deemed_supplier
    • The old version is unchanged and is still available at POST /reports/bookings-new.
2023-06-06 2.10.2
  • A new attribute delivery has been added to GET /order-units/{id_order_unit}
    • The attribute is available when explicitly requested as an embedded field
    • The attribute delivery includes the pickup location specific information for sellers who have activated the pickup location delivery option
    • For now, the attribute delivery supports only pickup location deliveries.
      The pickup_location field is null when no data for pickup location deliveries are available.
      Otherwise pickup_location includes the following fields:
      • pickup_location.pickup_location_id: String
      • pickup_location.provider: String
      • pickup_location.carrier: String
      • String
      • pickup_location.dhl_post_number: String | null
2023-05-04 2.10.1
  • A new version (v2) for the Account Listing report is introduced & old ones are marked for deprecation
    • The new version is available at POST /account-listing?version=v2 (version=v2 is an optional query parameter) and includes the following changes:
      • fields renamed: title_item to item_title, offer_id to id_offer
      • fields added: status, id_warehouse, id_shipping_group, handling_time, transport_time_min, transport_time_max, currency
      • fields removed: delivery_time_min, delivery_time_max, warehouse, location, shipping_group, price_cs
    • The POST /account-listing-with-shop-price endpoint is marked as deprecated
2023-03-23 2.9.1
  • POST /units/
    • response code for successful request changed to 200
2023-03-01 2.9.0
  • GET /categories/tree
    • is_leaf is missing from response
    • shipping_category was incorrectly labelled as number when it should be a string
  • GET /categories
    • is_leaf is missing from response
    • shipping_category was incorrectly labelled as number when it should be a string
    • return type was incorrectly labelled as CategoryWithEmbedded instead of Category
    • undocumented extra properties removed
    • removed restriction where either q or id_parent where required in request
  • GET /categories/{id_category}
    • is_leaf is missing from response
    • shipping_category was incorrectly labelled as number when it should be a string
    • children and parent were incorrectly labelled as CategoryWithEmbedded instead of Category
  • GET/categories/decide
    • is_leaf is missing from response
    • shipping_category was incorrectly labelled as number when it should be a string
    • fix return type (was missing response envelope, was labelled as single CategoryWithEmbedded, is actually list of Category)
  • GET /products/search
    • removed unsupported property delivery_time
    • renamed id_item in embedded units to id_product
    • fixed embedding of basic_category
    • is_leaf is missing from embedded Category and CategoryBasic in response
    • shipping_category from embedded Category was incorrectly labelled as number when it should be a string
  • GET /products/ean/{ean}
    • removed unsupported property delivery_time
    • renamed id_item in embedded units to id_product
    • fixed embedding of basic_category
    • is_leaf is missing from embedded Category and CategoryBasic in response
    • shipping_category from embedded Category was incorrectly labelled as number when it should be a string
  • GET /products/{id_product}
    • removed unsupported property delivery_time
    • renamed id_item in embedded units to id_product
    • fixed embedding of basic_category
    • is_leaf is missing from embedded Category and CategoryBasic in response
    • shipping_category from embedded Category was incorrectly labelled as number when it should be a string
  • GET /product-data/status/{ean}
    • fixed type of missing_attributes (was string, actually is array of strings)
    • fixed type of min_one_missing_attributes (was string, actually is array of strings)
  • GET /product-data/{ean}
    • fixed some cases where a `null` in attributes response broke the endpoint
  • GET /product-data/import-files/{id_import_file}
    • fixed type of note (was not nullable, actually is nullable)
    • fixed type of ts_updated (was not nullable, actually is nullable)
  • GET /product-data/import-files/
    • fixed type of note (was not nullable, actually is nullable)
    • fixed type of ts_updated (was not nullable, actually is nullable)
  • GET /attributes/search
    • changed ambiguous OpenAPI endpoint name from getListBySearch to getAttributeListBySearch
2023-02-15 2.8.5
  • The endpoints for the old business model version of Booking and Sales Report are removed:
    • POST /reports/bookings/
    • POST /reports/sales/
2023-02-09 2.8.4
  • Reports listing and report generation can now be requested for all storefronts:
    • GET /reports/
    • POST /reports/account-listing/
    • POST /reports/account-listing-with-shop-price/
    • POST /reports/bookings/
    • POST /reports/bookings-new/
    • POST /reports/eans-not-found/
    • POST /reports/product-data-changes/
    • POST /reports/cancellations/
    • POST /reports/competitors-comparer/
    • POST /reports/sales/
    • POST /reports/sales-new/
2023-01-17 2.8.3
  • Reports with the option to be generated within a specific date range can now be requested for a single day as well (from the beginning of the day at 00:00:00 until the end of the day at 23:59:59).
    • POST /bookings/
    • POST /bookings-new/
    • POST /sales/
    • POST /sales-new/
2023-01-16 2.8.2
  • Listing subscriptions is enabled now for all storefronts:
    • GET /subscriptions
2023-01-13 2.8.1
  • The subscription endpoints are enabled now for all storefronts:
    • POST /subscriptions
    • PATCH /subscriptions
2022-11-22 2.8.0
  • Changed behaviour when passing an existing parameter in the following endpoints:
    • GET /orders
    • GET /order-units
    • GET /order-invoices
    • GET /returns
    • GET /return-units
    When storefront parameter is used now the proper filtered list is returned for all values
2022-10-04 2.7.0
  • Changed an existing parameter in the following endpoint:
    • GET /tickets
    The storefront parameter is now passed as an array to allow clients to select more than one. This will not break the existing solution
2022-09-14 2.6.0
  • Added an extra parameter for the following endpoints:
    • GET /products/search
    • GET /products/ean/{ean}
    • GET /products/{id_product}
    When they are requested with embedded units the response now includes fulfillment_type for the unit
2022-07-12 2.5.0
  • POST /subscriptions
    • parameter storefront is now required
2022-07-01 2.4.0
  • Adjusted response schema to match the actual response for the following endpoints:
    • POST /info/locale
    • POST /info/storefront
    • The response schema did not match the actual response and has been corrected to:
            "data": [
2022-06-28 2.3.0
  • Adjusted return reasons for following endpoints:
    • POST /returns/
    • PUT /returns/{id_return}/
  • Following return reasons have been added:
    • accidentally_ordered
    • better_price
    • delivered_damaged
    • dislike
    • misleading_description
    • missing_parts
  • Following return reasons have been removed:
    • other
    • return
2022-06-22 2.2.0
  • Removed gender from billing_address and shipping_address within following endpoints:
    • GET /order-units/
    • GET /orders/{id_order}
2022-01-14 2.1.0
  • Removed an optional filter parameter from GET /product-data/import-files endpoint. Product data import CSV files must include a column with locale and one file can have product data in multiple locales.
2022-01-01 2.0.0
  • Major release of API V2. The changes from the old API V1 to the new V2 are described in details at "Endpoint changes"