Release notes

This page describes the changes made to API version 2. If you are interested in changes between API V1 and V2 please look into our Changelog.

2024-10-07 2.17.4
  • Previously we added the new endpoint POST /shipping-labels which is now also available outside of the Playground. The Playground endpoint will continue to always return a dummy success response.
    Please refer to endpoint specification for further details regarding the request and response structure.
2024-10-02 2.17.3
  • We added a new embedded field to the GET order-units/:id_order_unit and orders/:id_order endpoint. When the new embedded kss_delivery is send, then we will return both the delivery object and the new kss_eligible field on order_unit level. This value indicates whether you are able to use kss to create a shipping-label for shipping this order unit.
2024-10-01 2.17.2
  • We have updated the ProductDataAttributes model to support any necessary types.
2024-09-24 2.17.1
  • We have added a new API endpoint that allows users to request a KSS shipping label. There will be an in depth explanation soon. The Endpoint is currently only available in the Playground so that you can already start adapting it. As of now this is a dummy Endpoint that will always return a successful response.
    The endpoint is available at POST /shipping-labels
    Please refer to endpoint specification for further details regarding the request and response structure.
2024-09-17 2.17.0
  • Added support to the /product endpoint for the structured product_safety_contact attribute field.
    Please refer to endpoint specification for further details regarding the request and response structure.
2024-08-13 2.16.0
  • We have added a new API endpoint that allows users to retrieve the top-ranked offers for a specified product. This endpoint supports an optional limit parameter to specify the maximum number of offers, with a default and maximum value of 10. The API response includes detailed information about each offer, such as buybox rank, seller details, price, delivery times, and fulfillment type.
    The endpoint is available at GET /buybox?id_product={id_product}&limit={limit}&storefront={storefront}&condition={condition}
    Please refer to endpoint specification for further details regarding the request and response structure.
2024-06-18 2.15.0
  • A new API endpoint that provides a URL to download a CSV file containing the complete list of shared set values associated with a given attribute ID.
    The new endpoint is available at GET /attributes/{id_attribute}/shared-set-values

    New response:
    • Code: HTTP 200 OK
    • {
          "data": ""
2024-06-13 2.14.2
  • Unit end points have a new vat_indicator field corresponding to a storefront dependant VAT indicator of the unit.
    GET /units
    POST /units
    GET /units/{id_unit}
    PATCH /units/{id_unit}
    POST /units/bulk
  • Order unit retrieval end points have a vat field providing the VAT rate.
    GET /order-units
    GET /order-units/{id_order_unit}
  • New end point GET /info/vat-indicators is introduced to retrieve VAT indicator mappings for storefronts.
2024-04-12 2.14.1
  • Properly map 423 Locked HTTP error on POST /product-data/import-files endpoint. It is returned when the daily quota is exceeded.
    POST /product-data/import-files
      • New response:
        • Code: HTTP 423
        • { "message": "Daily quota of 30 feeds has been exceeded", "errors": [] }
      • Previous response:
        • Code: HTTP 500
        • { "errors": [], "message": "Internal Server Error" }
2024-04-08 2.14.0
  • The new Polish (PL) and Austrian (AT) storefronts and locales are officially available in the Seller API
2023-12-18 2.13.1
  • Added the option "delivery" to the optional embedded parameter in the following endpoint
    GET /orders/{id_order}
2023-12-06 2.13.0
  • A new units update endpoint, this bulk units update allows you to change multiple offers within the same request.
  • The new endpoints is available through the url
  • - A guide to using the endpoints can be found in the Manage Inventory page.
2023-11-30 2.12.2
  • A new filter on cancellations report is introduced. The filter allows to generate a report that focuses on seller related cancellations. Changes are 100% backwards compatible.

  • The new filter is available at POST
    (cancellation_type=seller_related is an optional query parameter)

    • - No fields were added or removed from report
    • - Setting the filter to seller_related considers only cancellations within the group of seller related cancellations reasons
    • - Not setting the filter or setting it to all results in the usual report containing all cancellations
    • - No changes in the responses
2023-07-28 2.12.1
  • Properly map error messages on product-data endpoints.
    GET /product-data/{ean}
    DELETE /product-data/{ean}
    PUT /product-data
    PATCH /product-data
      • New response:
        • Code: HTTP 400
        • { "message": "Invalid EAN provided", "errors": [] }
      • Previous response:
        • Code: HTTP 400
        • { "errors": [] }
2023-07-12 2.12.0
  • A new endpoint for fetching shared set was introduced.
    • The new endpoint is available at GET /attributes/{id_attribute}/shared-set
2023-07-03 2.11.0
  • Trying to send/fulfil cancelled OrderUnits will return better response
    PATCH /order-units/{id_order_unit}/send
    PATCH /order-units/{id_order_unit}/fulfil
      • New response:
        • Code: HTTP 400
        • Message: Validation Failed OrderUnit is already in status cancelled
      • Previous response:
        • Code: HTTP 404
        • Message: Resource Not Found
2023-06-20 2.10.3
  • A new version (v2) of bookings report is introduced.
    • The new version is available at POST /reports/bookings-new?version=v2 (version=v2 is an optional query parameter)
      • fields added: id_order_unit
      • fields removed: sum_price_gross, payout, ean, id_item, title_item, offer_id, unit_condition, delivery_time_min, delivery_time_max, note, unit_sent_timestamp, delivery_time_expires, buyer_id_buyer, buyer_email, pseudonym, shipping_first_name, shipping_last_name, shipping_gender, shipping_company_name, shipping_street, shipping_house_number, shipping_additional_field, shipping_postcode, shipping_city, shipping_country, shipping_phone, billing_first_name, billing_last_name, billing_gender, billing_company_name, billing_street, billing_house_number, billing_additional_field, billing_postcode, billing_city, billing_country, billing_phone, id_delivery_address, id_invoice_address, booking_value, is_marketplace_deemed_supplier
    • The old version is unchanged and is still available at POST /reports/bookings-new.
2023-06-06 2.10.2
  • A new attribute delivery has been added to GET /order-units/{id_order_unit}
    • The attribute is available when explicitly requested as an embedded field
    • The attribute delivery includes the pickup location specific information for sellers who have activated the pickup location delivery option
    • For now, the attribute delivery supports only pickup location deliveries.
      The pickup_location field is null when no data for pickup location deliveries are available.
      Otherwise pickup_location includes the following fields:
      • pickup_location.pickup_location_id: String
      • pickup_location.provider: String
      • pickup_location.carrier: String
      • String
      • pickup_location.dhl_post_number: String | null
2023-05-04 2.10.1
  • A new version (v2) for the Account Listing report is introduced & old ones are marked for deprecation
    • The new version is available at POST /account-listing?version=v2 (version=v2 is an optional query parameter) and includes the following changes:
      • fields renamed: title_item to item_title, offer_id to id_offer
      • fields added: status, id_warehouse, id_shipping_group, handling_time, transport_time_min, transport_time_max, currency
      • fields removed: delivery_time_min, delivery_time_max, warehouse, location, shipping_group, price_cs
    • The POST /account-listing-with-shop-price endpoint is marked as deprecated
2023-03-23 2.9.1
  • POST /units/
    • response code for successful request changed to 200
2023-03-01 2.9.0
  • GET /categories/tree
    • is_leaf is missing from response
    • shipping_category was incorrectly labelled as number when it should be a string
  • GET /categories
    • is_leaf is missing from response
    • shipping_category was incorrectly labelled as number when it should be a string
    • return type was incorrectly labelled as CategoryWithEmbedded instead of Category
    • undocumented extra properties removed
    • removed restriction where either q or id_parent where required in request
  • GET /categories/{id_category}
    • is_leaf is missing from response
    • shipping_category was incorrectly labelled as number when it should be a string
    • children and parent were incorrectly labelled as CategoryWithEmbedded instead of Category
  • GET/categories/decide
    • is_leaf is missing from response
    • shipping_category was incorrectly labelled as number when it should be a string
    • fix return type (was missing response envelope, was labelled as single CategoryWithEmbedded, is actually list of Category)
  • GET /products/search
    • removed unsupported property delivery_time
    • renamed id_item in embedded units to id_product
    • fixed embedding of basic_category
    • is_leaf is missing from embedded Category and CategoryBasic in response
    • shipping_category from embedded Category was incorrectly labelled as number when it should be a string
  • GET /products/ean/{ean}
    • removed unsupported property delivery_time
    • renamed id_item in embedded units to id_product
    • fixed embedding of basic_category
    • is_leaf is missing from embedded Category and CategoryBasic in response
    • shipping_category from embedded Category was incorrectly labelled as number when it should be a string
  • GET /products/{id_product}
    • removed unsupported property delivery_time
    • renamed id_item in embedded units to id_product
    • fixed embedding of basic_category
    • is_leaf is missing from embedded Category and CategoryBasic in response
    • shipping_category from embedded Category was incorrectly labelled as number when it should be a string
  • GET /product-data/status/{ean}
    • fixed type of missing_attributes (was string, actually is array of strings)
    • fixed type of min_one_missing_attributes (was string, actually is array of strings)
  • GET /product-data/{ean}
    • fixed some cases where a `null` in attributes response broke the endpoint
  • GET /product-data/import-files/{id_import_file}
    • fixed type of note (was not nullable, actually is nullable)
    • fixed type of ts_updated (was not nullable, actually is nullable)
  • GET /product-data/import-files/
    • fixed type of note (was not nullable, actually is nullable)
    • fixed type of ts_updated (was not nullable, actually is nullable)
  • GET /attributes/search
    • changed ambiguous OpenAPI endpoint name from getListBySearch to getAttributeListBySearch
2023-02-15 2.8.5
  • The endpoints for the old business model version of Booking and Sales Report are removed:
    • POST /reports/bookings/
    • POST /reports/sales/
2023-02-09 2.8.4
  • Reports listing and report generation can now be requested for all storefronts:
    • GET /reports/
    • POST /reports/account-listing/
    • POST /reports/account-listing-with-shop-price/
    • POST /reports/bookings/
    • POST /reports/bookings-new/
    • POST /reports/eans-not-found/
    • POST /reports/product-data-changes/
    • POST /reports/cancellations/
    • POST /reports/competitors-comparer/
    • POST /reports/sales/
    • POST /reports/sales-new/
2023-01-17 2.8.3
  • Reports with the option to be generated within a specific date range can now be requested for a single day as well (from the beginning of the day at 00:00:00 until the end of the day at 23:59:59).
    • POST /bookings/
    • POST /bookings-new/
    • POST /sales/
    • POST /sales-new/
2023-01-16 2.8.2
  • Listing subscriptions is enabled now for all storefronts:
    • GET /subscriptions
2023-01-13 2.8.1
  • The subscription endpoints are enabled now for all storefronts:
    • POST /subscriptions
    • PATCH /subscriptions
2022-11-22 2.8.0
  • Changed behaviour when passing an existing parameter in the following endpoints:
    • GET /orders
    • GET /order-units
    • GET /order-invoices
    • GET /returns
    • GET /return-units
    When storefront parameter is used now the proper filtered list is returned for all values
2022-10-04 2.7.0
  • Changed an existing parameter in the following endpoint:
    • GET /tickets
    The storefront parameter is now passed as an array to allow clients to select more than one. This will not break the existing solution
2022-09-14 2.6.0
  • Added an extra parameter for the following endpoints:
    • GET /products/search
    • GET /products/ean/{ean}
    • GET /products/{id_product}
    When they are requested with embedded units the response now includes fulfillment_type for the unit
2022-07-12 2.5.0
  • POST /subscriptions
    • parameter storefront is now required
2022-07-01 2.4.0
  • Adjusted response schema to match the actual response for the following endpoints:
    • POST /info/locale
    • POST /info/storefront
    • The response schema did not match the actual response and has been corrected to:
            "data": [
2022-06-28 2.3.0
  • Adjusted return reasons for following endpoints:
    • POST /returns/
    • PUT /returns/{id_return}/
  • Following return reasons have been added:
    • accidentally_ordered
    • better_price
    • delivered_damaged
    • dislike
    • misleading_description
    • missing_parts
  • Following return reasons have been removed:
    • other
    • return
2022-06-22 2.2.0
  • Removed gender from billing_address and shipping_address within following endpoints:
    • GET /order-units/
    • GET /orders/{id_order}
2022-01-14 2.1.0
  • Removed an optional filter parameter from GET /product-data/import-files endpoint. Product data import CSV files must include a column with locale and one file can have product data in multiple locales.
2022-01-01 2.0.0
  • Major release of API V2. The changes from the old API V1 to the new V2 are described in details at "Endpoint changes"