
The Seller API Playground is an isolated environment designed to help the users test and interact with the API without affecting production data or systems. It gives the API users the freedom to safely experiment, troubleshoot, explore and understand how the API works while building their integrations and is available at

Overview and Requirements

The Playground is structured in the same way and follows the same requirements and standards as the official Seller API, which you can find described in more details within the Rest API section of the documentation. The production Client Key and Secret Key that you can generate through the API settings page in our seller portal are used here as well. This information is necessary to obtain upfront, as it is a requirement for interacting with the API. Please note that it can take up to 2 weeks to get your account ready for Playground usage.

Endpoints and test data

The Playground currently provides a subset of endpoints that are available in the official Seller API, but keep in mind that this list will be expanded step by step in the future. This environment offers an additional feature, specific only for the playground - test orders creation. That extra functionality will give you the autonomy to go through this process yourselves and automate it to unblock the order management capabilities.

Test orders are placed by making a POST request to the `/playground/orders` endpoint with a valid offer for the respective storefront. A note to keep in mind is that at the moment the shipping costs for these test orders are always set to 0.

The steps included in the Playground’s internal business processes are as close to production as possible, they mimic real-world behaviour and have the most important business rules in place, but some mocked dependencies are unavoidable. The OpenAPI specification and contract for the available endpoints though remains intact and is the same as the one in the official Seller API.

For convenience to speed up and enhance the users' experience, the Playground is populated with realistic test data. The following information would be accessible for you within the test environment:

- selection of products available on the marketplace that you can directly use to create new offers
- some of the offers, shipping groups and warehouses created through your production seller portal account
- previous orders along with order units

Please note this information can contain obfuscated details. It is not kept up to date at all times with the changes you make on production, but will be synced and at your disposal as test data every 2 weeks. This is also the interval when accumulated test data will be purged and no longer available.

Push Notifications signature verification

The way push notifications are signed for the Playground differs a bit from the approach used in our official Seller API. The signature generation process is exactly the same, but the test key that will be used from our side is playground-specific. This means that some adjustments to the verification process for Playground push notifications might be necessary. Please reach out to our Partner Management team for additional information about the test key.

IP Addresses

The Playground is using the following IP addresses for Egress traffic (e.g. sending push notifications):


Please be aware that the Playground is meant for testing and discovery purposes only, that's why the recommended approach is to have in place separate integration for it, independent from what you’re using for the official Seller API. The OpenAPI specification for the Playground is available here.